March 2, 2012 started out like any other day. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies, sunny, and a soft breeze gently blowing through a perfect 72 degree day. Then,the phone rang. Dr.K. had the lab results of the mole he had removed from my back 3 days earlier. The results: melanoma the most deadliest form of skin cancer with a 90% mortality rate. Follow my daily journey through this trial the Lord has sent to me. The end results? Only the Lord knows.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
I asked Jesus, "How much do you love me?" "This much," He answered. Then, He stretched out his arms and died.
April 6, 2012
This Easter holds so much more meaning for me, than just about any other. When I was growing up, my mom would make Easter Baskets for my brothers and I. I was twenty-one years old when she stopped. We attended church every Sunday and every religious holiday, but the services, like the attendance meant very little to me. Now, attending church services with Paula, coming together in fellowship to worship and praise the Lord, to talk to other Christians, to pray with other Christians, and to help one another share burdens that we cannot carry ourselves is what I live for. The joy I feel when I am walking with the Lord is a beautiful feeling.
Tomorrow, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus will be exciting. His death and ascension into heaven was the ultimate sacrifice He could have made for us. Jesus was not afraid to die. He did however, die a horrible death. For this I am grateful and will always serve Him. He died for all of us, so that our sins would be forgiven. He took the nails for us. As one of the deacons at my church, Larry, would say, “Hallelujah! What a savior!
So, as you go about your day tomorrow, remember that this day would not have been possible were it not for the death of Jesus.
“Living, He loved us, dying He saved us, buried He carried our sins far away. Oh, glorious day! By Casting Crowns