March 2, 2012 started out like any other day. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies, sunny, and a soft breeze gently blowing through a perfect 72 degree day. Then,the phone rang. Dr.K. had the lab results of the mole he had removed from my back 3 days earlier. The results: melanoma the most deadliest form of skin cancer with a 90% mortality rate. Follow my daily journey through this trial the Lord has sent to me. The end results? Only the Lord knows.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7
April 11, 2012
Can you say, NEGATIVE???? I can I saw my surgeon today to have the stitches removed from the incision site on my back. My lab report came in a week early. My results; all of tumor removed, all lymph nodes were negative for cancer, no cancer in my blood or any major organs. I am cancer free. No treatments necessary.
You will never be able to convince me that prayers have no healing power. I am living, cancer free proof. The Lord sent me a miracle through the prayers of all of the people who prayed for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
As for the doctor who gave me my heart stopping, anxiety and depression inducing fatal prognosis, I say to you sir, enjoy your retirement. The cancer was stopped at the mole you cut out of my back. Even through the results from the lab showed melanoma, I don’t believe that a worse case scenario was necessary. You prognosis was thought provoking, and I thank you for referring me to my wonderful surgeon.
Someone asked me if I had gained or learned anything from this trial the Lord sent to me. I can only answer, YES. I learned a great deal about my will to survive, the power of prayers, the joy of reconnecting with my family, how important it is to get and keep my house in order, what my friends mean to me, how much I love my pets, and that the Lord loves me.
This trial lead me to the Lord. I realized that heaven is real, God is kind, Jesus really loves us and died for us. I will live in the house of the Lord for eternity. I learned that my family, friends and pets who passed over before me are waiting for me on the other side. I learned that my life has meaning and a purpose. I learned God really knows I am here. The calling I have asked the Lord to send me for so many years has finally been sent to me. I learned to really appreciate the beauty
of a sunrise while sitting on my back patio with my babies on an early Spring morning. I learned to stop complaining about the little stuff, work through the big stuff with patience, and let everything else roll of my back.
The Lord inspired me to write this blog. I will continue to write entries and post them daily. Through this blog, I have been able to connect with people all over the world, telling them about the faith I have in the Lord and prayers.
Even though I now my cancer may reoccur, I am not worried. My walk with the Lord has been the most precious experience with which I have ever been blessed. Stayed tuned.. I’ve only just begun.