March 2, 2012 started out like any other day. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies, sunny, and a soft breeze gently blowing through a perfect 72 degree day. Then,the phone rang. Dr.K. had the lab results of the mole he had removed from my back 3 days earlier. The results: melanoma the most deadliest form of skin cancer with a 90% mortality rate. Follow my daily journey through this trial the Lord has sent to me. The end results? Only the Lord knows.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I will face my future with faith for I have God beside me!
April 1, 2012
Today, I attended church with my neighbor, Paula. The church is located about a mile from my home. When I first moved here I would drive by it everyday on my way to work and back. I wondered what the people were like who attended, how old they were, are they neighbors of mine, and how long has the church been in existence. When Paula moved in with her sister, she invited me to attend church with her. Today was the second time I attended.The people I have met at this church are wonderful. They are kind, welcoming, warm, sincere. They really do not know me but have been very supportive in my cancer trial. Today, they offered prayers for my healing. Several people came up to me after the service to wish me the best on my surgery this coming Tuesday, and to let me know they would be praying for me. A wonderful gentleman named Larry asked me where the surgery will be done. He wrote down the information, then told me that someone from the church would be at the surgical center on Tuesday praying for me. Imagine that! Someone from this little country church will be at the surgical center during my surgery. Wow! God is amazing at the way he works in people and moves them to take care of one another in his name.
I am so blessed. Paula is going with me for the surgery. She is staying with me. She will be driving me home. My plans are to attend the sunrise service on Easter service with Paula, Larry, and the wonderful members of this congregation. One very young woman approached me after the service to tell me about her cancer experience. She was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She shared this news with this congregation and asked them to pray for her. When she had her surgery, the doctors could not find any cancer. She cried as she told me her story,and told me to have faith. She too, will be praying for me.
Prayer is such a powerful thing when you are a believer, when you have faith. Prayer can move mountains. I have faith. I also believe that if it is the Lords’s will that my cancer is caught in time, maybe the doctor will be able to remove it all with no additional treatments. Or, if it is the Lord’s will, with treatments, the cancer may go into remission for a while. He may also feel that, like my friend Nancy expressed to me,I have worked enough in this temporary life and will be called home to rest. Whatever the Lord decides, I know will be in my best interest. Thy will be done, not mine. One thing I am sure of....this trial has brought about blessings I never dreamed of getting. I reconnected with my cousins after years of not seeing or talking to them, I began a blog to ask for prayers and in return have received prayers from people in the United States, Russia, Sri Lanka, France, and Germany, I have met the wonderful people who attend this wonderful little country church, I feel a peace within telling me I will be alright no matter what the outcome, I am more sensitive to others who have cancer and other life threatening illness, I walk a little more closely to the Lord, and most importantly, my life now has the meaning I have been looking for all of these years. I have a purpose in life. My life means something. My years living in this temporary life were not wasted. I have a better understanding of my parents. I have let go of the anger that has been in my heart for so long. I have asked for forgiveness, and have been able to forgive, something I could not do until now. I am ready to go home, if called. I am also ready to stay, and with a whole new perspective on a life well lived, begin my ministry for the Lord, serving him exclusively in the additional time he has allowed me to have. Any way you look at it, I win.